I'm sure the last four & a half years have caused all of you who are reading this to question many things, eg; who rules the world, are we allowed freedom of travel, speech, thought? I could go on, but the restrictions on our lives that were implemented in March 2020 were due to the supposed threat of a disease, a disease most of us could see was nothing more than the normal seasonal respiratory illness that is commonly referred to as "the flu". But what causes disease? We are led to believe that disease is mostly caused by microscopic & sub microscopic entities that are commonly referred to as "germs" however, there is a problem with this belief & that problem is a lack of scientific evidence to prove that microscopic & sub microscopic particles are passing from person to person & causing disease, this lack of evidence has become known as germ theory versus terrain theory. Very early on in the "plandemic" dissenting voices were commenting on the fact (& it is a fact) that the supposed cause of the made up disease Covid 19, the sub-microscopic particle, a virus by the name of n-cov (later renamed Sars Cov-2) had not been isolated....that is to say, it had not been proven to exist. So where does that fact lead us? It surely leads us to ask; If this hypothetical virus & hence by definition all viruses, cannot be proven to exist & cause disease, why all the restrictions, masks, anti-viruls, vaccines and the allopathic medical system? This fact has gained traction & has crystalized into, "the virus existence question" AKA "no virus"{1}. But according to some, "no virus" is a psy-op (sarcastic rolling of eyes emoji) & the "no virus camp" will lead the gullible into a "Jonestown" type scenario...yes, somebody has actually stated that critically reviewing science is akin to mass suicide!!! Well, having sorted through the constipated nuggets of knowledge that have been forced into the commode known as "germ theory" (actually it's not a theory it's a hypothesis & a disproven hypothesis at that), it is IMHO, "germ hypothesis"{2} that is the actual psy-op{3}!
As evidence regarding the bad science of the medical cartel here's some quotes, from my notes; . . . .
"Notice how it usually comes from 'abroad' (Asian, Hong Kong, Australian, Spanish, West Nile), or 'from' an animal (Bird, Avian, Swine, Monkey), with Spanish Flu being the main driver. All part of The Disease Protection Racket”’ (AKA, medical mind control). "Virus Mania" authors Engelbrecht & Köhnlein.
"Corporate Science has dumbed down true science, it does not tolerate real science and will destroy the careers of those who mention real science or point out the fallacies of corporate science."
Over 30 years ago virologist Peter Deusberg{4} wrote in his book, Inventing The AIDS Virus; "...we have skilled technicians who are mediocre scientists, they have abandoned real scientific interpretation..."
"Scientists have a tendency to assume that everything outside of their domain of interest is true and that they can just rely on it." David Crowe{5} April 2020.
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts." Richard Feynman.
"The trouble with science is that it's not very scientific." Tom Cowan.
"Scientists have discovered that people will believe anything, IF you say; Scientists Have Discovered It!" A. Meme
"It is the duty of every scientist to always question themselves and their results. (A. Non or A. Fox...I'm not sure?)
{4}For the record; I'm aware that 30 odd years ago Duesberg, with his "fence sitting" solution – HIV exists but is not the cause of AIDS – contributed to strengthening the myth of disease-causing viruses, all whilst the lack of scientific evidence in "viruses" was suppressed. Anyways, here's another Duesberg quote; "There are no "slow viruses", just slow virologists". ROFLMAO! {5}And that David Crowe wasn’t all he was cracked up to be. The mediocrity of David Crow tig.org (Thankyou to Rod Knoll for alerting me to the information supplied by Anthony Brink)
And below, two links describing why you should never trust "The Science"...
Now some links to the "no virus psy-op" (sar-carstic rolling of eyes emoji); In links below, the non existence of the SARS, Measles or H.I.Virus is used as an analogy for ALL viruses.
2024, After four years of research into the germ hypothesis & contagion Humanely Podcaster Daniel Roytas publishes his book "Can You Catch a Cold?" Tom Cowan reads extracts from the book;
https://odysee.com/@Dr.TomCowan:8/canyoucatchacold:5 Sam Bailey chats with Daniel;
2023, Germany; Marvin Habberland an engineer & press officer for Next Level wins court case by using lack of proof for Sars Cov-2 as evidence. Back story, during the height of the "Corona restrictions" in the land of the saurkraut, (where incidentally "die Wäsche unordentlich aufhängen" can cause social condemnation) a young engineer walked out of his house, his face un-fettered by the nose nappy, this was in direct contradiction of "the law" & as he hoped, he was immediately summonsed. (I've read he eventually amassed 30,000 Euros in mask fines!) You see his intention was to go to court & use as his defense, one very important point; the “virus” alleged to cause (ahem) "covid" had not been proven to exist! His case was dismissed, unfortunately he was, "quelle surprise" not allowed to present his evidence as this would OBVIOUSLY have put the fraud of virology on the public record.
https://truthcomestolight.com/marvin-haberland-shares-results-of-his-court-case-against-virology-in-germany/ Christine Massey Substack Marvin Haberland victory in court
A bitter sweet twitter tweet;
Some more back ground information in this interview;
Next Levels Telegram page;
2022, "Farewell To Virology" by Dr Mark Bailey published.
2021, "Covid 19 A War on Humanity" By Dr John Bevan-Smith & Dr Mark Bailey published.
2021, "The Falsification of Science" By John Hamer published. John is a researcher, speaker & author who previously worked in I.T.
Listen to John read the chapter on "Germ Hypothesis"; https://odysee.com/@northerntracey:a/john_hamer_reading_germ_theory_extract_from_his_forthcoming_book:7
And also interviewed here;
4/8/20, More from John here;
2020, German businessman Samuel Eckert offers €1.5 million for a virologist who can present scientific proof of the existence of a corona virus, including the documented control tests of all steps taken to provide evidence.
2020, "The Contagion Myth" published. (In short; "bacteria and viruses don’t cause disease, at least not in any way that we understand" pg 29)
2020, People around the world demand evidence of the existence of Sars Cov-2 via the F.O.I.A. Collated by Cristine Massey at the link below.
2019, The book; "What Really Makes You Ill" by Dawn Lester and David Parker, published. "The rigid adherence to the "germ hypothesis" of disease is the medical establishments major flaw. The retention of the belief in pathogenic microorganisms has not only prevented an understanding of the true nature of disease, it has also prevented the identification of the real causes of disease. The failure to understand diseases and their root causes has inevitably led to the use of totally inappropriate measures to address them." pg 558 "Contrary to the claims of the medical establishment, ‘diseases’ are not distinct entities. Instead, diseases are manifestations of different combinations of symptoms that represent the body’s efforts to expel toxins, repair damage and restore health." pg535 Read the final paragraph in this post for a Dawn Lester quote!
2018, Gamzuletova goes online.
“We are a group of people who are awakening to a reality that is not the one shown in the mass media in very delicate aspects of health. We feel the need not to keep what we know and do something; what we decided to do was investigate and collect information to be stored and that is available to be consulted by those who understand that there are issues that are not openly addressed and that often hide the reality. We concluded that there was no external contagious agent responsible for a new "epidemic". We upload content to this website as a public service to those who yearn for evidence-based truth.”
I’ve found this site to be a great resource.
2018, "Viruses Don't Exist" an interview of Dr Nancy Turner Banks, (author of "AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire: The Deadly Virus of International Greed" published 2010) by Patrick Timpone (R.I.P.)
"This book is dedicated to The Perth Group & all those who speak Truth to power", wrote Dr Banks in the introduction to her 2016 book, "The Slow Death of AIDS".
2016, German court determines existence of measles virus (& by definition ALL viruses) UNPROVEN! Or; German court determines the central method of virology used as evidence of the existence of disease-causing viruses no longer proves the existence of any virus (see 1998 law below).
https://feli-popescu.blogspot.com/2018/09/still-no-proof-for-measles-virus.html The previous 5 blogs are below for those who want to review the timeline of the two trials;
Chapter five discusses the six "measles" papers presented at the first trial;
More from Jamie here; Legally Speaking, by Jamie Andrews (substack.com)
2015, "Dismantling The Virus Theory" published.
2014, "Inventing Viruses" (Annual Review of Virology Vol. 1) by William Summers, Professor of Therapeutic Radiology, Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry is published. Quote; "A virus is what virologists say it is...It can be said that virologists invent (and continually reinvent) the concept of a virus!...the question “What is virus?” has been notoriously fraught since the role of virus in late nineteenth-century germ theories became central to medicine"
2011, Wanted proof of existence of measles virus $100,0000 reward
2008, "Fear of the Invisible" by Janine Roberts published. From the preface; "Viruses are NOT what you have been taught that they are!.....It now seems that we may have broadly misconceived the virus; that most of them may be simply inert messages in envelopes carried from cell to cell. In the last ten years scientists have begun to rename them as ‘exosomes’, ‘particles that leave the body’ of the cell, we need to learn far more about cells – for only now are we starting to understand how they communicate, and the very important role played in this by the particles we had totally demonized as viruses. I reproduce the original documents so you can judge for yourselves."
2007, The book; "Virus Mania" published. Quote from preface; “The authors, journalist Torsten Engelbrecht and doctor of internal medicine Claus Köhnlein, show that ALLEGED contagious viruses are, in fact, particles produced by the cells themselves as a consequence of certain stress factors such as drugs. These particles are then identified by antibody tests and the PCR process to be interpreted as epidemic-causing "viruses" by doctors who have been inoculated for over 100 years by the hypothesis that microbes are deadly and only modern medications and vaccines will protect us from "virus" pandemics.” Read the book at the link below.
2005, "Exposing the Myth of Germ Theory" by Arthur Baker published.
2004, Dr Patrick Quanten writes, "Viruses are dead, but diseases are alive..."
2003, Wissenschaft magazine launched, quote; "Discussing Biology, Research, Medicine, Social affairs, Technology. In our magazine Wissenschafftplus you will find authentic information that will provide you with an undreamt-of benefit: a plus in knowledge, security and joie de vivre. We guarantee unique findings through independent research, combined with current results of international science, which we can classify correctly. We have answers to questions that others don't ask. Here you get knowledge directly from the scientist. Science is very valuable and important when statements are actually scientific.To do so, three criteria must be met:Statements are scientific if they are comprehensible and verifiable and allow predictions. We answer your questions, do research and research for this. Since our starting point is solid, we can respond quickly and competently. We enjoy this and you have the benefit: knowledge, understanding and orientation in life."
Goes online January 2020
2002, £10,000 Reward for 'HIV' (THE HUW CHRISTIE MEMORIAL PRIZE) Offered by Alexander Russell; "So confident am I that no electron-micrograph evidence for the existence of 'HIV' can be produced, I am prepared to offer the sum of £10,000 to the first person to submit just such a micrograph, I want visual evidence of myriad active, infectious viral particles, clearly morphologically defined recovered from a fresh sample of bodily fluid, unadulterated with any other kinds of cells..."
From Y2K "Goodbye Germ Theory or How to End a Century of Medical Fraud"
1998, Germany; A law is passed that all scientists and institutions that receive state funding are obliged to adhere to rules in their work (see 1997 below) and in the preparation of reports or, put simply; publications without documented execution of control tests may not be presented as scientific (i.e. science mustn't be a psy-op).
1997, Following fraud involving research money used to fund vaccines, the German Research Foundation (DFG) drew up a new set of rules obliging all researchers who receive funding to comply with this set of rules of good scientific practice. (See 1998 above.)
The rules are in the link below.
kodex-gwp-en-data.pdf (dfg.de)
1996, "Wanted Dead or Alive "HIV" $1000 reward!"
Stefan Lanka article from Continuum Sept./Oct. 1996
1996, earlier than above "The A.I.D.S Myth" by Karl Horst Poehlmann published. "...The “mysterious” and “intelligent” virus is what it always was, a hypothetical agent...none of the proposed explanations of the virus hypothesis itself are based on scientifically acceptable evidence...there is no evidence that any virus causes any disease"
1995 "HIV, Reality or Artefact", by Stefan Lanka published in the April edition of Continuum Magazine. “In 1993 a research group from Perth, Australia succeeded in publishing a paper on the HIV test. Since then anybody could have read for him or herself that no AIDS test could ever work, because HIV has never been isolated nor even shown to exist. Since AIDS research and the media have largely ignored any critique of HIV=AIDS, especially the essential question of whether HIV really does exist, it is time to call again for a reappraisal of the whole HIV/AIDS hypothesis”.
1995, Howard Hencke, in his book "The Germ Theory: A Deliberate Aberration", notes that it was critical for the new medical industry, “… to indoctrinate the public in the Western world with the belief that the salvation from all, especially physical ailments, lay outside the individual’s system and responsibility, because it was caused by external factors…and that chemical remedies (drugs) will keep him free from disease, independent of his own vigilant responsibility.”
1992, Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos of "The Perth Group" encourages Stefan Lanka to share the knowledge that there are no pathogenic viruses
1990, The Common Cold Unit closes after 45 years of unsuccessfully trying to find the cause of the common cold. Mike Stone writes; "This decades-long experiment is where we get our “knowledge” about the common cold from. As it is such an important moment in the history of virology, one that is unlikely to ever be replicated today due to “ethical” concerns, let’s examine the origins of this event. Let’s investigate what exactly went on at this facility and find out whether they were truly successful in their endeavors. Let’s see if we can pinpoint exactly why people were so eager to risk “infection” with a “virus” to the point that the facility was over-subscribed with a waiting list of willing participants excited to have their very own common cold vacation. At the end, it will be clear why these people decided to book return trips over & over....." Read in full at the following link;
1989 The Great AIDS Hoax, by T.C. Fry published (skip to chapt. 20 "The Virus Sham", pgs 97 - 98 "viruses are actually genomes resulting from cellular breakup & are scapegoats for disease".
https://thebigvirushoax.com/the-great-aids-hoax (in pdf form)
The video below is T.C. Fry in discussion circa 1989-90.
https://blog.primaldiet.net/2020/11/ (TC Fry's Monstrous Virus Hoax)
1988, Medical Hypotheses paper, by The Perth Group “It must be emphasized that unlike other viruses HTLV-III/LAV has never been isolated…By isolation of the virus, in fact, it is meant transient detection of…[which] are nonspecific…HTLV-III/LAV has never been isolated from fresh AIDS tissue”
1988, AIDS INC. by Jon Rappoport published. Jon explores the research behind HIV & I quote;.."The bogus, incompetent, ego-driven, misapplied, intentionally false research." (Unfortunately I can't find a link, for AIDS INC.)
And now let's go back even further through time;
1971, Edward H. Kass (then Editor‐in‐Chief of The Journal of Infectious Diseases and president of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, announced the following at the at the joint meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the Tenth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy) announced:
“We had accepted some half‐truths and had stopped searching for the whole truths. The principal half‐truths were that medical research had stamped out the great killers of the past — tuberculosis, diphtheria, pneumonia, puerperal sepsis, etc. — and that medical research and our superior system of medical care were major factors in extending life expectancy. The data on deaths from tuberculosis show that the mortality rate from this disease has been declining steadily since the middle of the 19th century and has continued to decline in almost linear fashion during the past 100 years [till 1970]. There were increases in rates of tuberculosis during wars and under specified adverse local conditions. The poor and the crowded always came off worst of all in war and in peace, but the overall decline in deaths from tuberculosis was not altered measurably by the discovery of the tuberculosis bacillus, the advent of the tuberculin test, the appearance of BCG vaccination, the widespread use of mass screening, the intensive anti‐tuberculosis campaigns, or the discovery of streptomycin. It is important that this point be understood in its completeness. The point was made years ago by Wade Hamptom Frost, and more recently by René Dubos”,(see 1955 below) “and has been repeatedly stressed through the years by many observers of the public health. Similar trends in mortality have been reported with respect to diphtheria, scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, pertussis, measles, and many others.”
1968, medical journal The Lancet publishes an article by G.T Stewart M.D., B.Sc. Glasg., F.C.Path. titled; "Limitations Of The Germ Theory" In it he writes; "The germ theory of disease....is a gross oversimplification....& has become a dogma...." https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0140673668914256
1965, "The Blood Poisoners" Lionel Dole; "The excuse for regarding a virus as being alive is that it can multiply itself by getting into a cell and causing it to produce a lot more of the same virus—even a thousand times as much in a few minutes. We can grasp the idea more easily if we remember that a poisonous lie, a mere chain of letters, can get into a newspaper, be multiplied millions of times and spread all over the country in a few hours……..The germ theory was so much more modern and scientific than the fuddyduddy idea of mending our ways or atoning for past errors. ……People want to believe that the maladies they bring upon themselves are all due to those terrible germs, which, being unable to sue for libel, are the ideal scapegoats. What a tremendous debt we owe to Louis Pasteur, the Microbe Man! The germ theory means big money. The show must go on!"
1961, The Myth of Medicine by Dr Herbert M Shelton (1895-1985) published. On pg 277 he wrote; "After years of trying to find a germ for each disease and turning up but a small handful, viruses were conjured into existence to save the tottering germ theory."
1955, Professor René J Dubos, whose whole career was spent within the orthodoxy of New Yorks Rockefeller Institute still felt compelled to write a treatise titled, "Second Thoughts on Germ Theory", it starts thus;... "Everyone harbours disease germs, yet not everyone is sick. This is ascribed to resistance, suggesting that the germs are less important in disease than other factors affecting the condition of the host." Later in the article he writes;... "During the first phase of the germ theory the property of virulence was regarded as lying within the microbes themselves. Now virulence is coming to be thought of as ecological. Whether man lives in equilibrium with microbes or becomes their victim depend upon the circumstances under which he encounters them."
1951, R. R. Scobey; "Although poliomyelitis is legally a contagious disease, which implies that it is caused by a germ or virus, every attempt has failed conclusively to prove this mandatory requirement of the public health law." https://archive.org/details/sim_archives-of-pediatrics_1951-05_68_5/mode/2up Aldhissa provided that bit of information, along with another 104 examples (YES THAT'S RIGHT! 104) that show Polio is not contagious!
1951, Degerminating the Germ Theory by Nell & Guy Rogers published;
1948, "The Germ Theory" by Royal E. S. Hayes, "...germs have NEVER been known to multiply in normal tissues..." (Emphasis mine.)
1942 R. B. Pearson in "Germ Theory Exploded" writes; "As we show in this book, the underlying ‘germ theory’ is a fraud..." (Fraud? Actually an actual "psy-op"! Says I.) "..."The entire fabric of the germ theory of disease rests upon assumptions which not only have not been proved, but which are incapable of proof, and many of them can be proved to be the reverse of truth. The basic one of these unproven assumptions, the credit for which in its present form is wholly due to Pasteur, is the hypothesis that all the so-called infectious and contagious disorders are caused by germs" (pg 40)
1935 "Toxemia Explained" by J.H. Tilden MD "Germs have no physiological connection with the causation of disease, and cannot be considered as more than an incident in disease."
1932, In the preface of The Golden Calf (& see chapter 4) Charles Foreward writes; "From the day in the early eighties..." (the 1880's!) "...when I paid a visit to Pasteur at his laboratory in the Rue d'Ulm, I have been impressed by two things the lack of anything like convincing evidence that infectious disorders are caused by SPECIFIC GERMS, and the extraordinary success with which the so-called "germ theory" has been exploited commercially……My hesitancy to accept this theory and all that is involved in it is based more upon the equivocations, contradictions, divergencies of opinion and sometimes unintentional admissions of its protagonists than upon any criticisms levelled against it by its adversaries. I have been impressed, too, by the apparent levity amounting at times to callousness with which treatments more fraught with serious danger to the patient than anything dreamed of in the Middle Ages are applied, and, indeed, forced upon adults and young children. I find, moreover, within the ranks of the profession, and particularly in the realm of surgery serious misgivings upon these matters, which is not surprising in view of the many disasters which have followed in the wake of vaccine-therapy and the conflict of opinion amongst those who pose as authorities thereon" (Emphasis mine.)
1928, Human Life It's Philosophy & Laws by Dr Herbet Shelton published, page 189 quote;..."The medical profession has worked itself into hysteria over the germ theory and is using it to exploit an all too credulous public. Germs are ubiquitous. They are in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink. We cannot escape them. We can destroy them only to a limited extent. It is folly to attempt to escape disease by attempting to destroy or escape germs. Once they are in the body the physician has no means of destroying them that will not, at the same time, destroy the patient. We cannot avoid germs. We must be proof against them. We have to accept them as one of the joys of life."
1928, The London Medical World published an article by Dr Beddow Bayly, in which he states; "I am prepared to maintain with scientifically established facts, that in no single instance has it been conclusively proved that any microorganism is the specific cause of a disease. It is clear that evidence to support the "germ theory" remained conspicuous by its absence more than half a century after it had been proposed by Louis Pasteur in the early 1860s. The situation has not been rectified in the intervening decades & the germ theory of disease remains unproven, with overwhelming evidence to demonstrate that it also remains a fallacy.”
1924, "A Review of the Literature on Influenza & the Common Cold" by J. G. Townsend published. This book along with "Leicester, Vaccination Versus Sanitation"{5} is one of my favorites, it details outbreaks of influenza happening on sailing ships weeks after leaving port, how damp rooms contribute to illness & even links comets & volcanic eruptions to disease! It also documents Rockefellers determination to discover "germs" & "viruses" as disease causation! However, in 1924 the Rockefeller funded Flexner Report of 1910 (see below) hadn't gained credence & the pharmaceutical mafia had yet to impose their protection racket, hence this quote; "...we find that the influenza bacillus is no more prevalent in (so called) "epidemics" of influenza than in ordinary catarrhal infections, which would suggest that THE ORGANISMS ARE SIMPLY SECONDARY INVADERS.." pg 18. (Emphasis mine.) Also pg 23 documenting an outbreak in Texas in 1923
1923, “Bechamp or Pasteur”, by Ethel Douglas-Hulme published, "...the modern system of treating the PHANTOM disease causing entity, and trying to quell it with injections..."(pg 247) (Emphasis mine.)
1922, Professor Arnold Ehret; "Disease remains the same mystery to modern medical science as it was to the "Medicine Man" of thousands of years ago - the main difference being that the "germ theory" has replaced the "Demon" and that mysterious outside power still remains - to harm you and destroy life."
1921, Timely Truths in Human Health by Dr. Simon Louis Katzoff published, Page 111 quote;... "Germs do not cause any disease. Further, we agree that there is more harm in the fear of germs than there is in the germs themselves."
Undated, Philosopher, Rudolph Steiner, when asked about the cause of the Spanish Flu, responded with, “Viruses are simply excretions of a toxic cell.” From;
1916, Of all germ-distributors, the most notorious was Dr. Arthur W. Waite. In his bacteriological laboratory, he had billions of germs, Waite planned to kill his father-in-law, he fed the old man germs of diphtheria, but got no results. He induced F.I.L. to use a nasal spray, in which he had planted colonies of the germs of tuberculosis. Not a cough. He fed the old man calomel, to weaken his resistance. He turned loose hordes of germs of typhoid, and then tried influenza. In desperation, he went common & used arsenic. The old-fashioned method was a success! One’s impression is that, if anything, diets and inhalations of germs may be beneficial!! Source, The Fortean Times.
1911, M.L. Leverson, MD stated; "The entire fabric of the germ theory of disease rests upon assumptions which not only have not been proved, but which are incapable of proof, and many of them can be proved to be the reverse of truth. The basic one of these unproven assumptions, wholly due to Pasteur, is the hypothesis that all the so-called infectious and contagious disorders are caused by germs."
1911, M.L. Leverson, MD (again) "You here assume smallpox to be a thing, an entity. This blunder is committed by nearly all the followers of the self-styled “regular school,” and it will probably be a new idea to you to be told that neither smallpox nor any other disease is (caused by) an entity, but is a condition" (Also see Florence Nightingale 1860, below).
1910, The Rockefeller funded "Flexner Report" published. Read it to help understand how the germ hypothesis psy-op was promoted.
W.F. Engdahl writes; "Virology, a medical FRAUD, was a creation of the Rockefeller medical cabal...The world’s richest man, oil baron John D. Rockefeller, and his circle of advisors set about to completely reorganize how medicine was practiced in the USA and the rest of the world. The role of the Rockefeller Institute and figures like Simon Flexner literally oversaw the invention of a colossal medical fraud around claims of an invisible contagious extraneous germ.." Read in full here;
.....Abraham, Simon & Bernard Flexner played a sinister hand in shaping the 20th century..." Writes Dr Nancy Turner-Banks;
Dr Turner Banks also mentions the Flexners in her book AIDS, Opium & Diamonds (see 2018 above).
1902, Rudolph Virchow (1821-1902); "If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat — diseased tissue — rather than being the cause of the diseased tissue; e. g., mosquitos seek the stagnant water, but do not cause the pool to become stagnant."
1901, Samuel Jerome Wilson MD (1850-1918) wrote; “At first the germ theory was, oh, so easy, so delightfully simple. It was this: “Every contagious disease was due to a SPECIFIC GERM. No germ; no disease; eliminate the germ, cure the disease.” This was a plain statement which all could understand. But now the bacteriologists themselves admit that there are innumerable cases of infectious disease where no germ can be found, and also innumerable cases where the germs are present, and no disease can be found."(Emphasis mine.)
1892, Max Von Pettonkofer drinks some isolated cholera bacteria...& doesn't develop cholera.
1890, National Review article on Pasteurs Rabies vaccination by Dr. Charles Bell Taylor gave a list of cases in which Pasteur’s patients had died, while the dogs that had bitten them remained healthy. "A notable failure was that of a French postman named Pierre Rascol who, along with another man, was attacked by a dog supposed to be mad. He was not actually bitten, for the dog’s teeth did not penetrate his clothing; but his companion received severe bites. The latter refused to go to the Pasteur Institute, and remained in perfect health; but unfortunate Rascol was forced by the postal authorities to undergo the treatment, which he did from the 9th to the 14th March. On the following 12th April, severe symptoms set in, with pain at the points of inoculation – not at the place of a bite, for remember that he had never been bitten. On the 14th April, he died of paralytic hydrophobia, the new disease brought into the world by Pasteur." (Remind me again.....what's the actual psy-op????????????????)
1889, "Pasteur l'imposteur" by Dr Auguste Lutaud published; ".....the investigation is overwhelming, the data and the conclusions irrefutable. This book is a valuable historical document, which proves that the Pasteur system (germ hypothesis!) was based on fraud from the outset...."
https://www.dymocks.com.au/book/pasteur-limposteur-by-auguste-lutaud-9782377900138 (Use gulag {google} translate.)
1887 23rd July, The British Medical Journal (B.M.J.) prints a speech titled; "The Development Of Surgery AND The Germ Theory". Page 3 quote;..."the best of all proof of the fallacy of their (German school of bacteriologists) assertions about germs being a cause of disease is the fact that every attempt to elevate the germ facts of putrefaction into a germ theory of disease has miserably failed, and has failed nowhere so conspicuously as when obtruded into the realms of the treatment of disease.”
Page 5 quote;...
"bacteria are the phenomena of decomposition & NOT the cause of disease." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2534970/?page=5
1887, Are Epedemics Contagious? by John Parkin published; "As no other attempt to account for the production of a contagious virus has been made, that is worthy of consideration, there is only one method to be pursued, viz. to discard theories altogether — throw them to the winds, together with the germs of contagion — and trust only to facts and to experience. We shall then find ourselves, not in the unknown and wide realms of fancy, but on terra-firma — on which we may rest with something like security. The only thing to be guarded against is to ascertain that the so-called facts be facts, not invented or perverted tales."
https://archive.org/details/b2169056x/page/84/mode/2up (Pg 50).
1865, Introduction à l’Etude de la Médecine Expérimentale (An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine) by Claude Bernard (father of Terrain Theory) published. Translated into English 1927, read the 1949 edition at the link below;
1860, Florence Nightingale; "There are no specific diseases" (ie no SPECIFIC GERMS!) "there are specific disease conditions. The specific disease" (caused by SPECIFIC GERMS) "is the grand refuge of the weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule" (& still do) "in the medical profession."
Caveat; I've not seen the quote; "There are no specific diseases. There are only specific disease conditions..." in Florences 1860 book, "Notes on Nursing", I've read that it was only in the first edition & omitted from later ones, if we go to Pg 5 we read; "Shall we begin by taking it as a general principle-that all disease, at some period or other of its course, is more or less a reparative process, not necessarily accompanied with suffering : an effort of nature to remedy a process of poisoning or of decay, which has taken place weeks, months, sometimes years beforehand, unnoticed, the termination of the disease being then, while the antecedent process was going on, determined ? ........The reparative process which Nature has instituted and which we call disease has been hindered by some want of knowledge or attention, in one or in all of these things, and pain, suffering, or interruption of the whole process sets in...." If the "no specific diseases" quote has been omitted we get a clue as to her thoughts on Pg 19, where Florence refers to diseases as not been "individuals/seperate entities"; "Diseases are not individuals arranged in classes, like cats and dogs but conditions growing out of one another. Is it not living in a continual mistake to look upon diseases, as we do now, as seperate entities which must exist like cats & dogs? Instead of looking upon them as conditions, like a dirty and a clean condition, and just as much under our own control; or rather as the reactions of kindly nature, against the conditions in which we have placed ourselves. like we do now, which must exist. I was brought up, both by scientific men and ignorant women, distinctly to believe that smallpox, for instance, was a thing of which there was once a first specimen in the world, which went on propagating itself, in a perpetual chain of descent, just as much as that there was a first dog, (or a first pair of dogs,) and that small-pox would not begin itself any more than a new dog would begin without there having been a parent dog. Since then I have seen with my eyes and smelt with my nose small-pox growing up in first specimens, either in close rooms, or in overcrowded wards, where it could not by any possibility have been "caught," but must have begun. Nay, more, I have seen diseases begin, grow up, and pass into one another. Now, dogs do not pass into cats. I have seen, for instance, with a little overcrowding, continued fever grow up; and with a little more, typhoid fever; and with a little more, typhus, and all in the same ward or hut. Would it not be far better, truer, and more practical, if we looked upon disease in this light? For diseases, as all experiences shows, are adjectives, not noun substantives." We get a further clue as to her thoughts about disease on Pg 78-79, "nature alone cures"; "It is often thought that medicine is the curative process. It is no such thing ; medicine is the surgery of functions, as surgery proper is that of limbs and organs. Neither can do anything but remove obstructions ; neither can cure ; nature alone cures. Surgery removes the bullet out of the limb, which is an obstruction to cure, but nature heals the wound"
1858, Florence Nightingale; "Suffice it to say, that in the ordinary sense of the word, there is no proof, such as would be admitted in any scientific inquiry, that there is any such thing as 'contagion." From pg 6 "Notes On Hospitals", two papers read before the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, at Liverpool, in October, 1858 : with evidence given to the Royal Commissioners on the state of the army in 1857
1837 Flu epidemic; "No proof of the existence of any contagious principles by which it was propagated from one individual to another" Writes Charles Creighton in 1894.
1828, Noah Webster's Dictionary of American English; VI'RUS, n. Foul or contagious matter of an ulcer. Not a pathogenic particle!
1762 (THE REAL PSY-OP STARTS!) Germ Theory of Infectious Diseases published. By M. A. Plenciz, a Viennese physician.
https://www.durianapocalypse.net/health/nature.html (chapter 66.2)
Going further back through time....here's some quotes from before germ hypothesis;
"Disease is nothing else but an attempt on the part of the body to rid itself of morbific matter." - Thomas Sydenham, 1624-1689. From Chapter 1,pg 29...
And the original in Latin...
"Only by understanding the wisdom of natural foods and their effects on the body, shall we attain mastery of disease and pain, which shall enable us to relieve the burden of mankind." - William Harvey, 1578-1657 AD.
"It is from nature that the disease comes, and from nature comes the cure, not from physicians{6}." - Paracelsus, 1493-1541 AD. {6}physicians or perpetraters of the REAL psy-op.
“Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.”
“Give me fever and I can cure every disease.”
“Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.”
“Disease is the crisis of purification of toxic elimination & symptoms are the natural defenses of the body.”
“It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.”
“Foolish the doctor who despises the knowledge acquired by the ancients.”
“Whenever a doctor cannot do good, he must be kept from doing harm." Hippocrates, 460 - 370 BC.
To finish, 4 more quotes;
"But in the 1870s, the germ theory..." (the actual "psy-op"!) "...had the charm of novelty, and its crude simplicity attracted the unscientific,..." (see Florence quote from 1860, ref weak minds!)" (pg265)...although many scientists opposed it sturdily. Pasteur, however, continued upon a triumphal career of pronouncements of disease germs, and was assisted by the conclusions of Dr. Koch and other workers.” https://www.mnwelldir.org/docs/history/biographies/Bechamp-or-Pasteur.pdf https://gamzuletova.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/bechamp.pdf
"Pasteur prevailed, but was he right? Probably more than any other single figure, Pasteur’s work founded the paradigm under which today’s medicine operates. Is our health better because of his work? Was there another paradigm that could have been adopted? That is a major crux of this essay. What if Pasteur was wrong? Not just a little wrong, but profoundly wrong, so wrong that his legacy has killed far more people than it has helped? Are microbiology textbooks understandably expedient in telling the tale of the germ theory’s foundation, or do they march students off in the wrong direction on their first day of class?" From;
https://ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm#semmelweis https://www.ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm
"So let's stop talking about "infection", "contagion", "pathogens", "defenses", "immunity", even "disease". Let us begin to expand the culture of mutual support in our internal environment, between our cells and our bacteria, and we will gradually replace the illogical logic of the exterminating of microbes that are essential for life." https://yvymaraey.blogspot.com/2021/10/arguments-that-dont-help-us.html
* "I do not wish to be diplomatic or mince words, because there is no time for diplomacy. Mass manslaughter is being committed by a few scientists who have knowingly and purposely misled thousands of their trusting colleagues in a carnage that could be unparalleled in history. They cannot claim ignorance, for they have answered serious scientific challenges with slander instead of proof. They have used unsuspecting, well meaning physicians to deliver their victims into the arms of death. This horrendous murder and profiteering must be stopped now!" Robert E. Willner, M.D., Ph.D. (1994) https://archive.org/details/deadly-deception-robert-willner/page/n33/mode/2up
And finally; There's more to the "no virus psy-op" (sar-car-stic rollng of eyes emoji) than "no virus", those who investigate it.... & I mean INVESTIGATE (ie get out a theosauruce & study the papers, books & history) understand that the orthodoxy of germ hypothesis, virology, microbiology, immunology, bacteriology, cellular pathology, DNA theory & the whole allopathic medical system is on VERY shaky ground.....VERY VERY shaky ground indeed!
And finally-finally; in an interview with M.I.A. Peter McCullogh (https://thegreatreject.substack.com/p/an-open-letter-to-peter-a-mccullough) the big pharma shill & promoter of "covid" early treatment protocols (such as ivermectin) said (& I'm paraphrasing) "no - virus people denying viruses is like saying the sky isn't blue". Well Peter "point & declare" McCullogh it aint blue, it's black! The different hues of the sky from purple through red to blue to grey are due to refraction of sunlight. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color
Addendum; Even more info. from John Blaid; https://blurt.blog/health/@johnblaid/my-education-package-to-get-up-to-speed-when-it-comes-to-virology
Addendum the 2nd; My thoughts/research on "viruses" tend to run parallel to Mike Stones.... https://viroliegy.com/2023/12/22/second-thoughts-on-the-germ-theory/
& John Blaids... Clarifying The Core Issue Of Virology
Addendum three; Dawn, Misha, Ricky & Sam have their say on the so called psy-op (sarcastic rollin...). 1st, Ricky has a rant;
".....People will argue that it’s not important to prove viruses do not exist. I find it incredible when someone has that stance, given that this paradigm is the core of a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry as well as what our mainstream medical institutions operate under. This paradigm unnecessarily inflicts harm on countless patients. It is used as an excuse for authoritarians to invoke emergency powers and create mandates that have absolutely nothing to do with public health whatsoever. It’s a big deal, guys. And no, the science isn’t settled. That’s cult mentality....."
2nd, Misha says "It's now or NEVER! Not addressing the NO EVIDENCE FOR A VIRUS by the health freedom community is contributing to the fraud".
3rd, Samantha's somewhat sarcastic.....AND iconclastic! https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/Viruses-Don't-Exist-and-Why-It-Matters:4
4th, Dawn's disparaging; "....The reason this debate is important and cannot be allowed to be dismissed as a ‘psyop’, is because it is the basis for most of the tyranny that we currently face! If people do not recognise that the ‘germ theory’ is an unproven idea, they will not be able to resist any new stories about so-called ‘deadly infectious diseases’! For those people who say that these critiques were a long time ago and no longer relevant to the 21st century, I would refer to the fact that the theories these people were criticizing are still held by the medical establishment to be valid. They are the very theories on which most of ‘modern medicine’ is based, so it is entirely valid to cite 19th and early 20th century critics of 19th century theories! “ https://dawnlester.substack.com/p/no-it-isnt-a-psyop.
WOW. You sure as heck did a great job putting all this together!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheeses, Rice!
I'm so glad to see we're in the same boat. (You'd better be, after all this work, LOL)
If I had ANY money, I'd send you a biggo chunk. KUDOS, anyway!